Z-Man TRD CrawZ 2.5" Softbaits
Everyone knows now that soft-baits can be particularly effective on a wide range of fish species in New Zealand, but just one brand, Z-Man, is becoming the primary choice for most serious soft-plastic anglers.
The reasons why are many including: coming in some fantastic colours, sizes and shapes; providing the best movement when retrieved or left to their own devices in the current; not needing to be kept in a special solution, so won't turn into little bits of "wood" and there's no liquid to leak everywhere; having a natural buoyancy so they lift tail first when on the bottom and waggle enticingly; some having ultraviolet-reflective and lumo qualities to make them highly visible in all sorts of conditions, and being the toughest soft-bait available!
The last feature is often the deciding factor for most: anyone fishing in reefy territory will know the frustration of fishing more fragile brands of soft-baits, winding in after one cast to find the lure bitten in half or completely gone; it can get very expensive. No wonder anglers are putting super-durable Z-Mans on instead - it's usually possible to catch between a dozen and 30 fish per lure!
Perfect for jigging on the lakes for those big koura munching trout or just for a casual flick from the shoreline, these soft baits don't disappoint! Let the results speak for themselves!
- Sizes: 2.5" (Comes in a packet of 6)
- Great durability
- Colours: Watermelon Red , Molting Craw, Bubble Gut, Green Pumpkin Orange