Our very own fisho' Jayden headed out in the Hauraki, for a bit of summer Kingi action in the last few days of 2020. The crew were rewarded very nicely. Catching a nice eating snapper on a Nomad DTX Minnow in the Red Head colour.
They also managed to snag a half a dozen good Kingfish by trolling Nomad Slow Sink Stick-baits across the surface. Particularly while scouting new ground. The trolled stick-baits raised and enticed the Kingies' very well, with the colour of the day going to the Nomad Black Pink Mackerel. Closely followed by the Zeets Lures 80g in Pink, as pictured below.
All while the Nomad DTX minnows kept on doing their business down below!
The crew also managed to snag a wicked photo of a Kingi' pictured midair, on its way home, as the boys had plenty enough for the table at New Years!
Overall, a great outing on the water, learning that trying new lures and methods can be very productive! Tightlines.